Il 15 marzo, in Via Sant’Uguzzone 26, a Milano, alle ore 16, Apriti Cielo!
presenta il volume collettaneo curato dalle poete de La stanza della poesia, È
meglio pace, Lemmi poetici in tempi di guerra, pubblicato per i tipi di
Cover photograph: Daniela Gobetti
I am a photographer and a bilingual poet in Italian and in English. For me, photograhy and poetry share in common the visual and
verbal spaces that lie between the visible and the non-visible and between la parola scritta and la parola non scritta (the
written word and the unwritten wor(l)d, in Calvino’s beautiful phrase). In both creative activities, I find the representation of the
world in which we live less important than the search, through the camera, for what is not accessible to my eyes, and, through
words, for what emerges, unbidden, from the universe of the unsaid, which I can approximate only by pushing the limits of the
visual and the verbal language at my disposal.
Click on the images below to see the projects housed on this site.